
Executive Function Coaching

What are Executive Functions?

Executive Functions are a set of skills that involve self-control, working memory, problem solving, and attention. These tools are used daily in our ability to learn, function at school or work, and manage day-to-day tasks. Individuals who have difficulty with executive functioning may for example struggle with starting or finishing tasks, following multi-step activities, staying organized, planning effectively, managing time effectively, and controlling impulses.

What is Executive Functions Coaching?

EF coaches create a partnership with clients to better understand the individual’s strengths and weaknesses. EF coaches then help create strategies to assist clients with organization, planning, prioritizing, time management, focus, self-regulation, and motivation. These approaches are all customized to fit the client's goals, which often include improving academic or work performance, maintaining household tidiness, achieving punctuality/timeliness, and improving interpersonal relationships.

How frequently does EF Coaching occur?

Our EF coaches create an experience that is solely based on the client’s individual needs and goals. NCMA offers 30 or 45 minute EF coaching sessions as frequently as the client desires to allow for a customized treatment approach.

What kinds of patients are appropriate for EF Coaching, and which may not be?

EF difficulties are most commonly associated with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and EF coaching is a significant support for individuals diagnosed with ADHD. However, there are a variety of diagnoses that can impact EF skills such as depression, anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and many other developmental or psychiatric conditions. Individuals experiencing difficulties with executive functioning related to any of these diagnoses would benefit from EF coaching. Additionally, many people who do not qualify for any of these specific diagnoses do struggle to some extent with executive functioning and would benefit from some coaching.

Those who are struggling with acute psychiatric conditions (e.g., urgent safety concerns, severe depression, or psychosis) may opt to wait to engage in EF coaching until psychiatric symptoms are managed or stabilized.

Individuals with conditions such as Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia presentations, traumatic brain injury, or complex medical conditions would be better served in our Neurocognitive Rehabilitation Therapy to help target a wider away of functional problems.

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