Wellness Screening / Baseline Assessment

This can be helpful in case of some future decline in functioning due to injury or other cause. For example, people with a family history of Alzheimer’s Disease or other type of dementia may want to check on their brain functioning before concerns arise.

Having this data available allows for greater accuracy in assessment immediately when concerns do arise. This is especially useful for highly intelligent people because people with above average intelligence do not necessarily perform at an above average level on all cognitive tests (e.g., memory tests).

Later in life, when such a person becomes concerned that cognitive changes may reflect a disease process, such as Alzheimer’s Disease, normal or “average” cognitive test results have to be considered to be potentially normal for that person. However, that person may have had much better than average memory previously, and the average memory test scores could reflect a decline in functioning.

Having baseline data allows for a more accurate interpretation of later data, which can result in intervening more quickly if necessary, allowing for a better outcome.

Brain Health Consultation and Coaching

One of our providers will work with you to identify and implement healthy lifestyle behaviors and strategies for protecting your brain health. Many factors that can lead to dementia and other cognitive decline are preventable. We will provide that education and help you to apply it to your specific circumstances.

ImPACT Testing for Concussion Management

NCMA offers baseline testing with ImPACT for use in the event of concussion (to help monitor recovery and make recommendations regarding school or work and return to play). This is particularly recommended for people playing contact sports or engaging in other high risk activities.

Vocational Assessment

Testing is available for purposes of determining strengths and weaknesses. This may include vocational interest testing to match your interests to your abilities. Your NCMA neuropsychologist will use this information to help you to maximize your functioning and reach your educational and vocational potential.

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